Beauty – My HealthCare Tips Gettin My Healthy on a Food and Lifestyle Blog Thu, 23 Mar 2023 13:32:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Beauty – My HealthCare Tips 32 32 20 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth Thu, 23 Mar 2023 07:15:38 +0000 It’s hard to have a confident smile when you know your teeth don’t look their best. Likewise, a smile doesn’t look attractive if teeth are dingy and yellow. Fortunately, there are many things you can do (or stop doing) that can keep your teeth looking nice and white.

whiten your teeth at home

20 Best Way To Whiten Your Teeth

1. Stay away from foods that stain teeth, such as blueberries and blackberries.

2. Eat crunchy foods such as apples, celery, and carrots. Crunchy foods stimulate saliva, which washes away debris (such as any food or drink that may leave stains).

3. Eat strawberries! Strawberries contain malic acid, which naturally lifts stains from teeth.

4. Eat hard cheese, which also helps to stimulate saliva production.

5. Don’t smoke. You know that smoking is bad for your body in all kinds of ways, and you’ve probably noticed that it’s not so great for your smile, either. In addition, tobacco stains are very hard to remove, as they can get down deep into any grooves or pits in your tooth enamel.

6. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day to remove plaque. Stains stick to plaque easily.

7. Brush your tongue. The tongue often gets neglected when people take care of their teeth, but it collects bacteria easily. This can weaken teeth and lead to discoloration.

8. Have the proper equipment. Throw out your toothbrush after you’ve used it for three to four months because when a toothbrush gets old, it just doesn’t do a good job of cleaning teeth.

9. Stay away from drinks that stain your teeth, such as tea, coffee, and cranberry juice. If you can’t live without that morning glass of juice, but you’re worried about stains on your teeth, use a straw.

10. Stay away from sports and energy drinks. These drinks can erode tooth enamel, which can cause teeth to look discolored, thin, and even translucent.

11. If you consume food or liquid that stains teeth, brush your teeth afterward.

12. If you can’t brush your teeth, at least rinse your mouth with some water.

13. Use whitening toothpaste to help remove stains (however, you should only use whitening toothpaste once or twice a week).

14. Chew sugarless gum to stimulate saliva to rinse off teeth.

15. Be aware that certain medications can stain teeth. These can include blood pressure medications, antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, and even antibiotics. In addition, you should know that some diseases can lead to tooth discoloration, and so can some medical treatments, such as chemotherapy.

16. If your teeth are discolored, you don’t know why too much fluoride may be the cause. You may be getting too much fluoride from your drinking water or from using fluoride applications or fluoride supplements too much.

17. Try whitening the natural way. For example, some people mash up a strawberry, rub it on their teeth and rinse it off after a minute. Some people use baking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide as toothpaste or rinse their mouths with hydrogen peroxide. Others rinse with a mixture of lemon juice and warm water (although this isn’t safe for teeth if you use it more than once a week).

18. Try whitening with a product you get from the drugstore. Nowadays, there are many products to try, such as strips and gels. There are also trays, which look similar to mouthguards that people wear when playing sports. You put a gel solution into the tray, put it over your teeth, and wear it for hours at a time. However, these products aren’t recommended for everyone, and not everyone responds to them.

19. Your dentist can apply bonding, a thin coat of resin or plastic, to teeth to help hide stains.

20. Visit your dentist twice a year for a thorough cleaning. Your dentist will use abrasion and polishing methods to help get rid of stubborn stains.

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Simple Tips And Home Remedies For Wrinkles On Face Thu, 27 Oct 2022 13:18:23 +0000 Wrinkle up to those wrinkles, and they will soon vanish. Let us first understand why we get home remedies for wrinkles, the cause, the effect, and then, of course, a few tips for the beautiful you!!

Is wrinkle an aging processor? It is a form of repetitive expression in our face that pulls up our facial muscles and thus forms a fine line. Let us find out.

Skin deteriorates with age.

It is found that about 700 genes in our body hold up our skin’s natural moisture, thus keeping the body hydrated and active. As we grow older, the activities of the genes get pretty reduced, and the skin is unable to retain moisture, so we get wrinkles.

Reason for the skin to age:

Skin loses its collagen: Collagen is a form of steel cable that tones up the skin muscles and makes it appear firm, smooth, and plumpy. All cells in our body are programmed so that they have their own expiry date. Each year, the well-aligned 75% collagen fibers that hold the skin’s suppleness choose to design, resulting in loose, saggy skin.

Environmental factors and lifestyle:

Sometimes even environmental and lifestyle factors contribute to the stagnation of collagen growth. Too many sugary/starchy substances, stress, smoking, and overexposure to sun UV rays contribute to deep furrows and wrinkles.

Some natural, effective tips and home remedies to reduce wrinkles:

Coconut extract:

Grate coconut and extract milk out of it. Massage it all over your face and rinse it off. Also, apply coconut oil under your eyes at night to remove wrinkles under the eyes. Frequent applications will help to get rid of fine lines.

Go bananas:

This fruit has a good amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, folic acid, and Vitamin E and F. smash i/4 of the banana and apply the pulp all over the face and after 15-20 minutes, rinse it off. You can safely use this process 2-3 times a week. You can also add papaya pulp to this pack.

Spread Grape-vine:

Grapes have a natural alpha-hydroxy acid, found in all anti-aging creams and Glowing Skin tightening lotions, to reduce wrinkles. Take a seedless red grape or green grape, cut it from the middle, and rub it all over your face except your eyes. Chill for 15-20 minutes before washing off.

Egg White:

Reduce your wrinkles with eggs. An egg has a natural protein ideal for soft and firmer skin.

Whisk the egg white, including the yolk and stir with a teaspoon of honey. Spread the mask all your face, avoiding the eyes. Apply moisturizer after the face wash. This mask tightens up the pores and tones up your skin.


A great source of vitamin A helps to promote collagen, an ideal ingredient for wrinkle-free skin. Apply the pulp on your face, and once dried, wash it off.

Some more valuable tips to reduce wrinkles:

  • Eat lots of fruits and berries
  • Massage your face with olive oil, coconut oil, and Flaxseed oil, depending on your skin type.
  • Cut out on unsaturated fats and include saturated food items in your diet
  • Avoid too much sun exposure
  • Sleep well
  • Add gelatin to your diet
  • Stay hydrated and drink 8-10 glasses of water every day
  • Avoid stress

While you erase fine lines, enjoy the moments of your life at every step!!

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7 Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Anti-Aging Routine Sat, 07 May 2022 01:30:26 +0000 Finding the proper anti-aging routine is mandatory if you want to stay healthy, but this will be a challenging thing to do without proper guidance. We know how hard it is to deal with those aging issues, and because of that, we are offering you a great set of ideas to help you do just that!

Using AHAs

Everything with alpha hydroxy acids in it will help your skin. It will deliver a healthier and better-looking skin, which is something you want for sure. Most toners, peel pads, creams, and cleansers include this compound, so you should use that as it helps quite a lot.

Get a good serum

Find the regions of your face where you can see aging issues, and then work with specific serums that address those areas. Some focus on radiance, others on firming, while others are on lines. Make sure that you use the proper one, and in the end, the results can be very good; you can rest assured of that.

Keep stem cells in mind.

Adding stem cells to the facial routine can be a very good idea. The benefit is that they work on most skin types, and they will offer great results, deliver a stellar collagen boost, and brighten up your skin. These stem cells should be used only under professional advice and supervision if you want the best experience.

Treat the eyes

The region near your eyes will have lesser circulation as we age, and we have to address that. Use a good eye cream, and while there, remember to massage the area because just a simple massage can deliver some very good results. Avoid pressing too much, as having a lot of pressure might not be the best option for treating your eyes properly.


Vitamins can help you boost skin health since they provide great cellular nutrition. Vitamins A through E are suitable for maintaining skin health, and you should use them as often as you can.

Use sunscreen

Sunscreen helps you have healthy skin, and it will also prevent damage from the UV rays of the sun. High quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen will work very well, so try to use that often to get the best ROI.

Salicylic acid

This is a great ingredient for the persons that have to deal with acne very often. It will lower the inflammation in the facial areas where you have to deal with acne, plus it will also clean up the pores properly.

In conclusion, all these methods are great for maintaining a good anti-aging routine. They work seamlessly and offer very good value, so you should give them a try whenever you can. Also, keep in mind that good dietary habits and lots of working out can also be helpful, so you might want to give that a shot!

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Makeup Expiry 3 Ways To Tell If Your Cosmetics Need To Be Tossed Fri, 22 Apr 2022 01:32:33 +0000 We can all agree that quality makeup is expensive. Your small bottle of foundation, for example, could be worth a bag of groceries. It’s only natural for us frugal folks to use it until the last drop, even if that means making it last for 5 years. However, it turns out that keeping makeup for years does more harm than good.

Here’s a hard to swallow pill: Every makeup product you own has an expiration date and is meant to be tossed and replaced.

Ever wondered why there’s no such thing as a one-liter foundation? It’s because makeup is thoughtfully designed to last for a limited amount of time. Makeup begins to lose its effectiveness and grow bacteria once it’s time is up – and that could result in breakouts, skin irritations, and eye infections.

If you’re thinking of giving your makeup bag a detox, here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

1. Look for the Period After Opening (PAO) symbol

Unlike your fridge items, the “use-by-date” warnings on your makeup rely on the first day you use them, not its purchase or manufacture date. Most products come with a Period After Opening (PAO) symbol, which serves as the guideline for how long you can use your makeup products without worry.

The symbol includes the letter “m”, which means “month”, and a number before that “m” which stands for the number of months the product is safe and effective for use. For instance, if you see “8m” on your product, it means that once you’ve opened it, you should stop using the product after 8 months.

2. Keep these golden rules in mind

How would you know which ones to keep and which ones to toss if you see no PAO symbol? Watch out for these signs.

  • Separation or changes in texture are telltale signs of an out of date product
  • Any changes in the smell also tell you that the product has gone bad.
  • The more moisture the product has, the shorter the lifespan is. Pay attention to water-based and oil-based products, including your foundation, liquid liners, and bluish tints.
  • The closer it comes to contact with your eyes, the sooner its expiration date is. Your peepers are delicate, and you wouldn’t risk an eye infection to maximize your one-year-old mascara.
  • Drier products, including powders and eye pencils, last for a couple of years if they’re treated with proper care and applied using clean makeup brushes.
  • The packaging affects your products’ expiration date. Products inside a pump bottle or tubes last longer than the ones in a pot, which often get in contact with your dirty fingers.

3. Know the general shelf life of your makeup

Can’t trust your own senses in discerning whether your makeup has gone bad or not? You might want to have a general idea of how long each product is meant to last. Note: This might lead to an extreme makeup bag detox.

1. Complexion products

  • Cream foundation and concealer makeup: 6 months to 1 year

Liquid creams last between 6 to 12 months for they contain more water, oil, and hydrating agents that allow bacteria to grow easily. It could last longer if it’s a pump formula. The same goes for your concealer makeup.

Say goodbye immediately if your product is drying out, changing the texture, becoming lumpy or cakey, and beginning to smell different.

  • Cream blush and duo sticks: 12 to 18 months

Throw away cream blush and duo sticks (like products you can use both on lips and cheeks) as soon as you notice texture changes. Keep hands clean when applying them.

  • Powders, blushers, bronzers: 2 years

Powders, whether it’s a pressed powder, blush, or bronzer, last longer than creams. Drier textures have a decreased risk of bacterial contamination. Just make sure to wash your makeup tools regularly. If you notice a hard rim on your powder, that’s a sign i

2. Eye makeup products

  • Mascara: 3 months

Mascara is susceptible to bacterial contamination, which leads to eye infections. If your mascara has dried out or changed texture and smell, don’t try to add water to revive it – throw It immediately.

  • Gel eyeliner: 3 to 6 months

Like mascara, replacing your liquid eyeliner regularly is crucial to preventing infections.

  • Eyeshadow: 6 months to 2 years

Eyeshadow creams only last around 6 months due to their moisture content. Powder shadows can last up to 2 years, but remember to keep an eye (and nose) for any changes in smell, color, and texture.

  • Pencil eyeliner: 2 years

Pencil eyeliners for eye and eyebrow makeup can last up to two years – if sharpened regularly and cap closed tightly.

3. Lip products

  • Lipstick and lip liner: 2 years

With proper care, your favorite lipstick can last 2 years. Just make sure to never leave them without a lid on. Use a lip brush and clean them occasionally with makeup wipes. As for lip liners, they can last for up to 2 years if you sharpen them regularly and keep the cap closed firmly.

  • Lip gloss and balm: 1 year

Lip balm and gloss need to be replaced more often than lipstick. Toss it if you notice the formula starting to separate and change.

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How To Deal With Whiteheads With Easy Home Remedies Mon, 21 Feb 2022 01:05:53 +0000 Having healthy skin is bliss. Unfortunately, there are lots of problems that skin tends to go through. If you do not take care of your skin correctly, be prepared to face many skin problems. The skin type ranges from dry, regular, and oily. If you have oily skin, you are more prone to acne. Blackheads and whiteheads are a part of acne. When there is excess sebum production in the skin, acne occurs. The skin pores get clogged if the dead cells are not cleared regularly. These dead cells prevent the skin from having a fresh oxygen supply.

whiteheads treatment

The dirt, sebum, and dead cells mixed lead to comedones or whiteheads as popularly known. Whiteheads are mostly found on the chin, nose, forehead, and temples. They are not highly visible but will affect the skin in the long run. They could also be due to hormonal or genetic reasons. You can go to the parlor and get a clean-up done. Who will use a unique tool to clear the whiteheads? However, if you do not wish to shell out cash, the following are some of the natural remedies:

Taking Steam on Face Helps

A facial steam is an excellent remedy to deal with blackheads and whiteheads. The cell pores will loosen up, and you can easily remove the piled-up dirt. Take a pan of water and set it to a boil. Once the water reaches the boiling point and you can see steam coming up, switch off the flames.

Take it off from the heat. Cover the container and your face with a towel in such a way that the steam is trapped, and you get the vapors. Allow the entire face to be exposed to the vapors for the next ten minutes. Dry your face using a tissue or a towel. Remove the whiteheads by gently pressing the affected area. Wash your face with cold water to close the pores.

Baking Soda Scrub for Whiteheads

Baking soda is a multipurpose marvel with many uses and benefits, especially in the kitchen and skincare. And helps to balance the pH levels of the skin. Here you can read an article treating large skin pores using baking soda. It also serves as an exfoliator.

Read more:- 9 Helpful Ways To Get Rid Of Blepharitis

Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass bowl. Add a few drops of water to it. Mix them well and form a paste. Apply it to the areas that have whiteheads. Allow it to dry and massage in gently. Wah it with normal water after 15 minutes. Repeat the process thrice a week. The skin will be free of all whiteheads.

Potato juice for Whiteheads

Potato is a great natural ingredient for skincare. Here you can read some fantastic skincare benefits of potatoes. Take a raw potato and peel it off. Grate it and extract the juice out of it. Apply the potato juice on your face and neck region using a cotton ball. Massage it in circular movements for a few minutes.

Wash it off when it dries. The skin will be free of blemishes and scars. Potato is also a bleaching agent; hence it will lighten your skin color. Apply potato juice regularly and benefit your skin. The whiteheads will completely vanish.

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Beauty Tips for Every Bride Sat, 06 Nov 2021 12:45:23 +0000 Every bride wants to look the best version of herself on her wedding day. They spend months planning every minor detail, and they also try many different makeup techniques.

It is highly recommended that you keep trying different types of makeup techniques before making a final decision. Try to use a variety of makeup equipment like brush, foundation, etc. Modern techniques like airbrush makeup and traditional makeup technique may help you choose the best for yourself.

It will help you to pick the right makeup according to your skin. Besides, it would help to keep scrolling for appropriate skincare habits that assure you have an exact bridal glow. Here are some useful tips that you should utilize to improve your appearance tone.

#1. Drink plenty of water

If you want to look brighter on the day of your wedding, you should drink water as much as you can. It hydrates your skin to a great extent. As a result, it delivers you glowing and charming skin. It is highly recommended to drink at least 5-6 litres of water from the previous night, and this practice makes you look extraordinary.

#2. Facial and hair spa

Facial Masks For Acne

It is the best idea to go for the monthly facials at least six months before the wedding day. You should do the practice of bi-weekly gold facial in case if you have less time left in hand. But remember to have a patch test before opting for any new skincare product. It would help if you started getting a hair spa once a month.

Also, start doing this practice six months before the wedding in the same manner as facials. It would help if you used homemade masks instead of using chemical hair spas. These natural masks give you astonishing effects and make you look fascinating.

#3. Take care of your brows

cringe-worthy eyebrows

You should try to find out the best brow shape in case if you do your tweeting. Analyze the right shape of the brow according to your facial structure. However, waxing is an ideal solution for you. But, practising with a cotton thread will be the perfect option. It rolls along your skin and roots out the hairs that do not contribute to your right brow shape. It is the quicker and precise way that delivers you flawless brows. Thus, it is highly recommended to visit the best and reliable brows specialist every third week.

#4. Eat healthier

5 Ways Healthier Eating Improves Your Sex Life

If you want to get a healthy and active look, you should strictly take your diet. Keep yourself far from processed food, the high amount of sodium and sugar. Because such kinds of foods lead you to suffer from bloating and belly fat, eat foods such as fruits, green vegetables, etc., that fulfil your body’s needs. These foods nourish your body greatly, and it aids in clearing up your skin and boosting your energy level. During this, you should ignore alcohol and smoke too.

#5. Schedule frequent manicures

It is a fact that everybody asks to see your ring, especially after your engagement. Performing regular man is to keep your nails and hands pretty and primed as well. Allow your nails beds to opt for the perfect shape of your nails. Match the two that provide an elegant and balanced look to your nails and hands. However, good manicure products can be a bit pricier. But you have to use only them to get harder and smoother finished nails.

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10 Natural Beauty Tips for Face Fri, 15 Oct 2021 01:03:46 +0000 Most women are always looking for that secret ingredient that will enhance their beauty. And chemical products have become the rational recourse for those women seeking to acquire that signature look they have long sought after.

However, with most beauty products on the market today attracting one health hazard or another due to the myriad chemical ingredients they constitute, the journey to enhanced beauty can prove discouraging.

10 Natural Beauty Tips for Face

There are numerous natural approaches that one can take to improve their facial appearance, approaches that do not require exposing oneself to the destructive effects of chemicals and even you can get clear skin fast without adversely affect are all but proven, these including the following:

#1. Exfoliation

The skin is difficult to maintain, transitioning from smooth and silky to dull and flaky faster than one can moisturize. As such, you are encouraged to exfoliate regularly, if only to compliment your moisturizer. The cells of your skin are constantly dying, with new cells emerging just as consistently. Exfoliating eliminates the dead skin cells, which tend to sit on top of your skin, causing a dry and flaky appearance.

#2. Alcohol/Cigarettes

The substances you consume will have a drastic impact on your face, especially your skin tone. Alcohol and cigarette consumption will not do your face any favours. Cigarettes alone contain toxic elements in the thousands, substances that will impact the elasticity of your skin. If you want to, at the very least, appear younger, moderate your alcohol intake/cigarette consumption.

#3. Sleep

If you want to conserve and even enhance your beauty, prioritize your sleep. It is while you sleep that the skin undergoes regeneration by producing new cells. A lack of quality sleep will affect your overall appearance, and not for the better. Even if you cannot get the necessary quantities of sleep, find the time to relax.

#4. Protein

Consume foods rich in protein; this will reinforce the keratin levels in your hair, making it appear healthier and stronger. Merely applying beauty products to your hair isn’t likely to deliver the results you desire. Your diet matters. And the health of your hair will impact the appearance of your face.

#5. Eyebrows

cringe-worthy eyebrows

The appearance and shape of your eyebrows will have a noticeable impact on your overall appearance. From tweezing to plucking and waxing, how you shape your eyebrows will compliment the frame of your face.

#6. Mineral Make-Up

Wear makeup in moderation; in this case, less is better. Too much makeup can clog the pores of your skin. Prioritize the use of mineral creams and makeup to not only prevent spots but to even out your skin tone (without clogging the pores of your skin).

#7. Walk

Find a few minutes a day to walk; a brisk walk will improve the quality of your sleep, enhance circulation, and even counter depression even while having a drastic impact on the quality of your skin. You will appear happier, boasting the sort of natural glow few can hope to achieve, even with makeup.

#8. Protect your skin

Healthier Skin

Defend your skin against the effects of the weather; cranking up the heat during the winter can negatively impact your skin, drying it out and causing you to age. This same consequence will manifest in the heat of summer if one doesn’t properly moisturize.

#9. Water

Eight glasses of water a day will do wonders for your skin. This will allow your body to maintain a proper balance of fluids even while flushing out toxins, thus improving the health of your skin.

#10. Milk

non-dairy milk

You can keep your skin soft and supple by taking raw milk and applying it to your skin for ten minutes a day. This should give you facial skin as soft as a baby’s bottom in no time.

From Aloe Vera to Almonds and strawberry face masks, the number of options one can utilize in their efforts to achieve natural beauty is vast.

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How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast At Home Thu, 23 Sep 2021 01:38:49 +0000 In medical literature, acne, called “acne vulgaris”, is one of today’s most common skin diseases. This disease, caused by the inflammation of the area under the skin, is mainly healed after 30-35.

acne treatment

One of the essential reasons for acne formation is the use of some harmful cosmetic products. These products may increase the number of acnes over the skin, especially on the face. Acne on the back, however, may  require different treatment  methods.

Squeezing the pimples is not a suitable method because it may leave scars and lead the inflammation to spread. However, if there is no other choice but to squeeze, it must be done very carefully. First, Who must introduce skin to steam?

You can pour some boiling water inside a container and add some dried leaf to it (choose between daisy, mint, or milfoil), get your face closer to the container surface and cover your head with a towel. Stay like this for 7-10 minutes.

After introducing steam on the skin, squeeze the acne very carefully. Then wipe the scraped area with some alcohol. After a while, you can use the pore tightening mask: egg white, one dessert spoon of honey, one dessert spoon of salt; mix these up, then apply this on your face as a mask and wait twenty-five minutes, then wash it away. Or another mask recipe:

One dessert spoon of honey, one dessert spoon of salt, one dessert spoon of yeast powder, lemon juice, one dessert spoon of warm water, mix these up, apply on your face, wait 20-25 minutes, then wash it away. Who should wipe oily skin with alcohol, including lotion or mixture, one or two times a day?

Try doing especially when you come home from work. Could you treat it with salt once a week? After a bath, dip cotton inside salt and then wipe your face with circular moves. Wash your face thoroughly.  Acne Using Garlic Cloves  must be conducted comprehensively. Just as Who should use some products externally, Who should use some internally.

Quickly Acne Treatment Tips

  • Try getting healthy food. This will help you achieve healthy skin.
  • Drink a lot of water. This causes the skin elasticity to increase, help wastes get off from pores.
  • Do some exercise. Blood circulation allows the skin to get oxygen.
  • Do not smoke or use alcohol. This harms the elastic skin tissue. It causes red spots and itching.
  • Do not squeeze the acne, do not. Wash your face using a bar of soft soap and warm water twice a day. Massage your face with your hands. Then wash your face.
  • Stay away from stressful situations.
  • Stay away from foods that may cause acne formation. Such as nuts, pickles, spicy foods, etc.
  • Avoid unnecessary contact with your face. Every touch increases bacteria over your skin.
  • Try avoiding exposure to the sun too much.
  • Take a shower when you sweat. Sweat increases acne over the skin surface. Bacteria are like a humid medium. Do not wear wet clothes either.
  • Hair sprays may also close the skin pores, leading to more acne formation.
  • Try to keep your hair away from the face as much as possible.
  • Stay away from cosmetics.
  • Use moisturizers that do not include fat.
  • Consume many foods, including vitamin A. Vitamin A is included in Carrot, Green pepper, apple, pear, eggplant, celery, cabbage, spinach, green beans, potatoes, and tomatoes.

Alternative solutions for getting get rid of acne fast:

  • Do not squeeze acne ever. It may leave unwanted scars.
  • Keep the use of foundation cream to a minimum. Foundation cream prevents skin from getting necessary air.
  • Wipe your face with cleansing milk twice a day.
  • Clean your face with warm water and lemon juice mixture three times a week. Please wait for it to dry down in a few minutes.
  • Then wash your face with warm water.
  • For thorough cleaning, try a mud mask. If you apply it once-twice a week, it will help you get rid of your pimple problem.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of clay with one glass of water. Apply it on your face as a thin layer. After waiting 20 minutes, wash your face with warm water.
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My Current Beauty Favorites Thu, 05 Aug 2021 05:34:45 +0000 Being the makeup and beauty product addict, I’m always on the lookout for something great. I read beauty articles, magazines, and  makeup  review sites to get my info. I also count on my friends to let me in on their favourites. This week, I will share with you some of my current go-to products that I love and why they work for me.

ayurvedic beauty tips

Agadir Argan Oil Daily Volumizing Shampoo

This shampoo is incredible! It is sulfate-free, so it doesn’t strip my colour or fade my highlights. I have fine, limp hair, so it is always a challenge to find a volumizing shampoo. Some shampoos give my hair volume but dry it out. Then shampoos for dry hair leave it limp and oily. Not this one-it leaves my hair super soft yet not feeling oily. The smell is lovely, too.

The Body Shop Dry Oil for Body, Face & Hair

I saw this at the Body Shop and was intrigued. What is “dry oil?” It is luxurious, that’s for sure! I put him on my body right after a shower, while the skin is still wet and it soaks right in, leaving no oily residue behind. My skin is so soft for a full 24 hours. I am currently using it in the scent of Sweet Lemon, but it comes in other scents. I also rub it into my heels. I have not used it on my face or hair, although the label says it is appropriate to do so. I wish it came in a larger bottle…I love it that much.

Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette

Oh. Emm. Gee! I have never been a big fan of eye shadow palettes, preferring to select my shades, but this one takes the cake. I find myself reaching for it every single day. All of the colours are beautiful and go on smoothly. I find that this one palette can produce hundreds of different looks, from natural to all-out glam. Check out the picture with all the colours. Love.

Oscar Blandi Pronto Dry Shampoo

Remember what I said above about having hair that tends to be oily? Well, this is my secret weapon. To keep my ends healthy, I don’t wash my hair every day. On the second day, my roots look oily, so I put some of this powder on my palms, flip my hair over, and rub it into my roots. Brush it through, and voila! All the oil is gone! As a bonus, the powder gives the seeds’ texture, giving me some added volume. This stuff is THE BOMB.

MAC Dazzle glass in Date Night

I love MAC lip glosses in general, and I have several. This is the one I reach for the most, as it can be used alone for a sheer “dazzle” or on top of dramatic lip colour for a pouty look. It is thick, as MAC lip glosses are, but that means the lasting power is excellent. It looks more glittery (is that even a word?) in the tube than it does on the lip, so don’t let that stop you from adding this to your makeup bag.

Makeup Brushes by e.l.f.

Another one of my secret tools: eye shadow brushes that I get for a whopping $1! Yes, you read that correctly. My eye shadow looks are created with dollar brushes! These gems are from the budget beauty line e.l.f. and I buy them at Target. They never lose any hairs, keep the shadow from splattering everywhere, and are soft on the skin. They have never disappointed.

Maybelline The Falsies Mascara in Black Drama

Want dramatic, false looking lashes for about $7? This is your mascara! When I am rocking a dark, smoky eye, this mascara delivers the drama. It is super black, goes on glossy, and doesn’t flake or smudge. Since I am all about beauty on a budget, I am forever thankful to my sister for this find. But, not for the timid…this takes your lashes and does make them look like “falsies.”

Have any of you tried these products? Are you planning on getting any? Please leave me a comment as I would love to know how they worked for you. Until next time, be  beautiful  on the inside and out!!

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10 Essential Make-Up Do’s And Don’ts Thu, 15 Jul 2021 01:13:28 +0000 We take care of what we put in our bodies, but do we stop questioning what we are putting ON our bodies? Our largest organ—the skin—protects us from the elements. Therefore, when we wear makeup, we must protect it in return.

The Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) has no involvement in regulating the ingredients in cosmetics, so it’s up to us as consumers to educate ourselves. Here are ten do’s and don’ts of makeup to get you started.


#1. Do check the ingredients

The Environmental Working Group ( EWG ) has created SkinDeep, the largest searchable database of cosmetic products available online. Type in the name of any product and see a complete ingredient listing along with easily understandable safety ratings.

A full explanation of any potentially harmful chemicals is also provided on the site. Remember that marketing terms like “all-natural” are not legal descriptions. When in doubt, look it up.

#2. Do your expiration checks

Along with neglecting to approve and review ingredients, the FDA does not require expiration dates on  makeup  products. I know it’s hard, but you do need to get rid of that liquid liner that has been sitting around since… well, you probably can’t quite remember when.

Also, water-based makeups are breeding grounds for bacteria and should be tossed after two to three months. Further, if you’ve been sick or have had an eye infection, consider throwing out products you used during that time. Finally, when cosmetics have changed in color, texture, or smell, it’s time for them to go!

#3. Do let companies know you want the real deal

Advocate for yourself and let your favorite cosmetic companies know you want transparency. Seek out companies who clearly label their ingredients and are certified non-toxic. The greater the demand, the greater the supply.

#4. Do clean your makeup brushes

The truth is I am not as vigilant about this one as I should be, and I think the same goes for many of us! However, our makeup brushes collect dead skin cells and bacteria, leading to breakouts and eye infections. We should be cleaning them once a week. You can use basic soap to clean them—my favorite is olive oil soap. Set them over the sink and let them dry.

#5. Do go without

Give your face a breather. The pollution and dirt built up throughout the day need to be rinsed away, so don’t skip washing your makeup off at night. Instead, if you’re often too tired, get good makeup by removing the cloth. It’s not as effective, but it’s better than not washing your face at all.

#6. Do store makeup properly

Bacteria and molds can grow in makeup containers and do so rapidly when exposed to heat and humidity. So store your cosmetics in a cool, dry place. They can deteriorate in the heat, so keep them away from those steamy showers. You can also store new lip gloss in the refrigerator to preserve it longer. Just let it get to room temperature when you’re ready to use it.

#7. Don’t use synthetic emollient products

They build up oil, sit in fine lines, aren’t biodegradable, and suffocate the pores. In addition, they are linked to skin irritation. Finally, because of the amount of heat used in their production, they usually contain no antioxidants (since the nutrients in the vegetable derivatives are destroyed).

#8. Don’t forget the “Toxic Trio” at the nail salon

When it’s time for a Mani/Pedi, be sure your nail polishes don’t contain what is labeled as the “Toxic Trio”: dibutyl phthalate (DBP), formaldehyde, and toluene. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen that has been linked to lung cancer. Meanwhile, DBP is linked to reproductive issues, and toluene is linked to nervous system disorders—the bot is banned in Europe. Luckily, brands like OPI are offering safe nail polish options. If you’re in doubt, bring your bottle with you!

#9. Don’t rely on the industry to keep you safe

Since the FDA has no authority over recalls regarding the cosmetics industry, they leave it up to the manufacturer to conduct due diligence and make consumers aware of recalls or potentially harmful ingredients in their products. A simple Google search of ‘recalled makeup products’ won’t turn up much. So don’t rely on companies whose only mission is to make money from you.

#10. Don’t be afraid to do it yourself

There are several resources for making your makeup products at home. You can experiment with color and consistency variations, and you know exactly what’s going into your products. It also makes for a fun and educational time with friends! A Pinterest search will reveal plenty of fun options.

Also Read: Different Types Of Lip Shapes

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