Simple Tips And Home Remedies For Wrinkles On Face

home remedies for wrinkles
home remedies for wrinkles

Wrinkle up to those wrinkles, and they will soon vanish. Let us first understand why we get home remedies for wrinkles, the cause, the effect, and then, of course, a few tips for the beautiful you!!

Is wrinkle an aging processor? It is a form of repetitive expression in our face that pulls up our facial muscles and thus forms a fine line. Let us find out.

Skin deteriorates with age.

It is found that about 700 genes in our body hold up our skin’s natural moisture, thus keeping the body hydrated and active. As we grow older, the activities of the genes get pretty reduced, and the skin is unable to retain moisture, so we get wrinkles.

Reason for the skin to age:

Skin loses its collagen: Collagen is a form of steel cable that tones up the skin muscles and makes it appear firm, smooth, and plumpy. All cells in our body are programmed so that they have their own expiry date. Each year, the well-aligned 75% collagen fibers that hold the skin’s suppleness choose to design, resulting in loose, saggy skin.

Environmental factors and lifestyle:

Sometimes even environmental and lifestyle factors contribute to the stagnation of collagen growth. Too many sugary/starchy substances, stress, smoking, and overexposure to sun UV rays contribute to deep furrows and wrinkles.

Some natural, effective tips and home remedies to reduce wrinkles:

Coconut extract:

Grate coconut and extract milk out of it. Massage it all over your face and rinse it off. Also, apply coconut oil under your eyes at night to remove wrinkles under the eyes. Frequent applications will help to get rid of fine lines.

Go bananas:

This fruit has a good amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, folic acid, and Vitamin E and F. smash i/4 of the banana and apply the pulp all over the face and after 15-20 minutes, rinse it off. You can safely use this process 2-3 times a week. You can also add papaya pulp to this pack.

Spread Grape-vine:

Grapes have a natural alpha-hydroxy acid, found in all anti-aging creams and Glowing Skin tightening lotions, to reduce wrinkles. Take a seedless red grape or green grape, cut it from the middle, and rub it all over your face except your eyes. Chill for 15-20 minutes before washing off.

Egg White:

Reduce your wrinkles with eggs. An egg has a natural protein ideal for soft and firmer skin.

Whisk the egg white, including the yolk and stir with a teaspoon of honey. Spread the mask all your face, avoiding the eyes. Apply moisturizer after the face wash. This mask tightens up the pores and tones up your skin.


A great source of vitamin A helps to promote collagen, an ideal ingredient for wrinkle-free skin. Apply the pulp on your face, and once dried, wash it off.

Some more valuable tips to reduce wrinkles:

  • Eat lots of fruits and berries
  • Massage your face with olive oil, coconut oil, and Flaxseed oil, depending on your skin type.
  • Cut out on unsaturated fats and include saturated food items in your diet
  • Avoid too much sun exposure
  • Sleep well
  • Add gelatin to your diet
  • Stay hydrated and drink 8-10 glasses of water every day
  • Avoid stress

While you erase fine lines, enjoy the moments of your life at every step!!