Type 2 Diabetes Diet

type 2 diabetes
type 2 diabetes

Having Type 2 Diabetes means a total overhaul in the way we eat and live our lives in order to keep in under control. This means that we have to watch what we eat and increase our body activity through exercise and other sports.

Glucose levels in the blood are controlled by insulin. When there is a problem in its activity and secretion, type2 diabetes will occur. Insulin resistance is the effect of having problems with insulin activity. Insulin is normally produced but glucose levels are not going down.

It may be due to inefficiency in the action of insulin or there is too much glucose in the blood and the insulin produce is insufficient. This will stimulate the beta cells in the pancreas to produce more insulin. If they receive too much stress in the manufacture of insulin, they will consequently produce less of this hormone, making the levels of blood sugar increase further, resulting in diabetes.

Most people afflicted with this condition have insulin resistance. They are commonly seen in people who are obese and inactive, as well as pregnant women. To oppose this condition, the body should be made sensitive to insulin activity so as to be able to control the levels of blood glucose in the body. To become sensitive to insulin, you can try raising daily physical activity through starting daily exercises and sports, lessen daily calorie intake to be able to shed a few pounds, and if when all things fail, medications to control insulin activity.

Carbohydrates are complex molecules that when ingested are broken down by the enzymes of digestion into their basic form, glucose. This glucose is taken up by the intestines into the bloodstream about a couple of hours after a meal and it causes its levels to rise. Insulin is the hormone responsible for utilizing glucose for energy and storage. In nondiabetic persons, glucose levels in the blood go back to normal because the right amount of insulin is produced even after a carbohydrate-rich meal.

Having Type 2 Diabetes Diet or adult-onset diabetes affects the production of insulin in the blood wherein the levels are not enough to maintain normal levels of glucose in the blood. They usually have an impaired production of insulin which is insufficient for coping with a sudden increase in glucose levels in the blood, which normally happens after a carbohydrate-rich meal. This is why carbohydrate intake is being controlled and digested slowly to be able to manage the increase in glucose levels in the blood by allowing enough time for the pancreas to produce enough insulin.

The diet of a diabetic adult-onset should contain complex carbohydrates so as to slow down its digestion. Also, carbohydrate intake should be spread throughout the day to ease the stress on the beta cells of a meal.

People with adult-onset diabetes may also have an unhealthy lipid profile. This comes from a diet full of fats and triglycerides, increasing the risk of cardiovascular problems. This is why it is also beneficial to exercise and go on a diet. It not only maintains normal blood glucose levels but also lowers the risk of heart problems. The proper diet to maintain a normal lipid profile is to eat less of the saturated fats and limit the intake of alcoholic drinks.

The importance of having the proper diet in controlling Type 2 diabetes mellitus is significant in order to maintain normal levels of glucose as well as lipids in the blood. Strict attention is given to what you eat although you can be flexible enough to interchange types of food of the same caloric content to suit your taste.

You should also take into consideration the glycemic index of different carbohydrates so as to monitor efficiently the levels of glucose in the blood after eating. There are several types of carbohydrates with various rates of digestion. Carbohydrates having a low glycemic index are preferable to use in meals for patients with the type2 form of diabetes mellitus.

Table sugar or sucrose is a substance that is most commonly avoided by all diabetics because it is thought to be the number one cause of increasing blood sugar. This is actually a misconception since table sugar has a lower GI as compared to cornflakes. Sucrose is considered to be a disaccharide containing one fructose and one glucose molecule. It needs to be digested first before it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

It is just being avoided since it contributes to the number of calories needed daily without any benefit and filling effect on the body.

Having protein in the diet is a good way of filling your stomach without the added calories from carbohydrates. But too much protein can also be converted into glucose in the liver, thus causing also an increase of levels of blood glucose usually several hours after a meal. A high protein diet is not that beneficial for diabetic patients since it is also filled with saturated fat. A good protein diet consists of both animal and vegetable protein.

Before starting your diet, consult your health provider and your dietician as to what diet is right for your body type, lifestyle, taste, and condition. Cultural and economic considerations should also be looked into. This process need not be taxing to oneself. Do not set goals that are quite impossible to reach because the risk of failure is high. Set goals for small things at a time.

Change can never happen drastically. Monitor your blood glucose regularly to see if the diet that you are using has an effect on your blood sugar levels. If not, try changing it a bit until you get the right one for you. Tell your dietician if you use medications and injections to lower down your blood sugar. Your meals will have to be adjusted accordingly. Never attempt to skip meals since it may cause hypoglycemia and further complicate your condition. Exercise and sports are also a good way to control blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a condition that still has no cure. You can only maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid having complications later on in life.